mARTa Konstacky is a local Seattle-based artist who is most known for her vibrant and colorful work. Whether painting the fabulous Northern land- scape, a stunning portrait of people or pets, or capturing the overwhelming energy of life in the city, her acrylic paintings hover between painterly realism and impressionism. Born and raised in Michigan by her Czechoslovakian parents, Marta moved to Seattle in 2009. After graduating from College with a degree in Art, Marta explored many different forms of art including ceramics, print making, graphic design, jewelry art, sewing, and woodworking. Throughout the years she has acquired a wide range of artistic abilities and inspiration to found her true talent in painting.
The goal of Marta’s work is to express color in all its beauty she strives to depict color and form in an aesthetically pleasing way. The last several years Marta has continued to develop her own unique artistic voice through her work. With every brush-stroke she puts all of her e ort into using artwork to evoke happiness in the viewers heart and awaken nostalgic memories in their minds.